There are many articles on the internet and on google, most of them make meditation nearly a science, that you have to sit, or maybe you should be lying down or they talk about other things what you should do.
I am going to share with you the main things my clients asks me, when they are confused about meditation and do not know if they can start - if they can do it, because it all seems so complicated. Well, it is not.
What is meditation:
Meditation simply is: staying, for a moment , in a quiet & calm contemplated state of mind while you connect with your true self/higher Self/Energy/God or whatever you call it.
Let me share with you 5 main myths that keep people overwhelmed and confused about meditation:
Myth No.1: Study first how to meditate!
There is nothing difficult about meditation. You do not have to study it in order to use it in your daily practice, if that is what you want. I do recommend to meditate every day.
Studying meditation and actually experiencing meditation are two different things. You do not need to know all about it, to use it for your benefit :). Things are only as complicated as you make it.
Myth No. 2: I have to travel to some holy place or go to India.
I hear this a lot. If you know the truth, that God/Universe/Energy/Higher-Self or whatever you call it, is universal and omnipresent, then where would you need to go? Nowhere. I mean you can visit all the countries that you want, but if you want to understand yourself better, find what you want, discover your talents, dreams or if you are contemplating healing or anything else, it is always contemplated from within. This is what meditation allows you - to slow down and to contemplate on your life.
There are a few types of meditation that I call 'active, silent and passive', but I will talk about it some other time :), this is just to get you started.
Now you know you do not have to go anywhere, all you need to do is to find the time for yourself, and start :)
Myth No.3: You need to sit down, cross your legs and touch your fingers to do it 'right'.
There is no right or wrong in meditation. What should be right is this:
Does this position feel right to YOU?
You should be comfortable. If you prefer to sit, sit. If you prefer to lay down, lay down. The main thing is: you should be so relaxed, that your attention goes away from concentrating on your body - that your legs are stiff or that your hip hurts in this position :). Your mind should be clear in that moment.
Myth No. 4: I am not sure if I breathe right
If you meditate to release stress, to calm yourself down and to enjoy some time just for yourself, does it matter how many breaths you make? No! If you are stressed about something or if you are nervous, anxious then you can take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down before you start, but after that, focusing on your breath will not do you any good, if you are trying to count it or focus on it, that can create more stress and more tension.
Always remember, meditation should be enjoyable calming moment. Number of slow breaths do not matter, as long as you are calm, relaxed and you are enjoying it.
Myth No. 5: I do not have a space or room in my house or apartment to meditate
You do not need any special room in your house or flat to meditate. You do not need to be in a class either. If that is what you enjoy, joing a class, but the truth is this:
all you need is all that you already have - YOU :).
If you can create a space that allows you to set it up that you can enjoy that time better, you can, but you do not have to. It is not what is necessary or needed. It is about you & the time that you spend with yourself, in quite contemplation.
No. 6: I do not have time to meditate, it takes hours!
Meditation is not bounded by time or how long it should take. It is only up to you: how much time do you have daily and if you want to do it or not.
Meditation can be as quick as a minute long, few minutes long or you can meditate for hour or hours. It is totally up to you.
The quality of meditation has nothing to do with time, but it all has to do with how well you use the time when you meditate.
If you feel relaxed in a few moments, that that is all that you need. Short meditation will do!
Myth No. 7: I do not meditate, it is not for me, I have no time
Everybody meditates or contemplates something. We all think of certain things in our lives, about people, things and situations. That is contemplation. It is mostly done on the subconscious level, but we all meditate or contemplate something at all times. The question is:
do you think about your problems, fears or other unhappy experiences or are you thinking about your dreams, desires, and wonderful things?
Meditation helps you slow down, calm down and also let go of all negativity, if you find yourself dwelling on unhappy things, people and situations.
How should meditation feel like?
- it will feel good to YOU
- after meditation, you should feel calm, relaxed and refreshed
- you will experience clarity of mind
- during the day: you will feel energized, ready to finish your work/taks or anything else that you are working on
- if you meditate just before going to sleep, you will notice and feel you have better quality of sleep.
Hope these myths will help you to start and give it a try :)
Written by: Zdenka Ramani
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